I read your original post and your responses, and what I took away from it all is that you don't seem to like it because he doesn't react to things the way you would or that you would like him to.

"Later on i sent him a cute quote along the lines of ''relationships aren't great because they never have bumps i the road, they're great because two people love each other enough to work through it."

I wouldn't think this is "cute" at all, I would take it as you just not being able to let things be. The same thing with the demand for an apology.

"We had a silly argument last weekend (9 days ago) which could have easily been resolved if he would have spoken to me"

A lot of times guys will just clam up because they realize that their temper is going to get the best of them. As far as something being easily resolved if he would only talk to you, if this was true there would have never been a fight to begin with, yes?
