Tearing up crispy slices of toast and stale old crusts, spreading them out on the garden bird table then watching from the kitchen window as, one by one, a small feathery flock swoops in to peck and gulp, has always seemed a thrifty and altruistic pleasure.

Now, though, experts say that far from nourishing them, feeding bread to birds could do more damage than good.

"Bread doesn't contain any of the vital ingredients birds need to breed and feed," explains Val Osborne, head of wildlife enquiries at the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB).

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blue tit

Blue tits aren't able to digest lactose and drinking milk can give them diarrhoea, but they can safely eat whole unsalted peanuts

But they still fill up on it, then fail to eat food that would provide them with the nutrition they need to survive.

But while tossing scraps of bread to quacking ducks at the pond may no longer be considered a kindness, the good news is that there are plenty of household leftovers, from uncooked pastry to porridge oats, that you can still donate to your neighbourhood birds in good conscience. Indeed, for some birds, these scraps are an invaluable lifeline.

"We have seen a lot more goldfinches in gardens in the past year," says Gemma Rogers of the RSPB, "and that's largely to do with the fact that more people are putting out food.

"There's no denying that we have a part to play in their well-being. The birds are really busy at the moment, constantly flying back and forth feeding their young, and they need energy.

"And during deepest winter when they can't forage as easily, feeding them can make the difference between life and death."

Sunflower seeds, leftover cake, jacket potatoes, millet, pinhead oatmeal, peanuts (as long as they are not salted or dry-roasted) and animal fats can all safely be given to birds.

"Don't give them anything with added salt," says Rogers, who adds that birds are also partial to a bit of cheese.

What sort? Camembert, cheddar, or do they prefer a nice piece of Stilton?

"I don't think they mind, though it's probably best if it's a mild-flavoured cheese.

"The important thing is that it's grated or torn into small pieces, because the birds are feeding their chicks at this time of year and they will struggle to swallow large chunks."

What food you put out will also make a difference to the type of birds you attract. If you'd like to see the sleek inky plumage and hear the melodic song of the blackbird in your garden, it will help to put out some apple. Starlings and great tits, on the other hand, will flap hungrily to a stash of peanuts.

Of course, you can't magic a bird out of thin air even with a pile of tempting food. But you can encourage species already in the vicinity into your garden and help them to breed by providing a steady food supply.

Any of the mesh feeders you can buy in shops are suitable to hang from a bird table or wall. Some are even contained inside a gnaw-proof metal cage to make them squirrel-proof, ensuring that the food you put in it will reach the right mouths.

A bird table with a rim, so that food doesn't fall off it, and a drain so that it doesn't become water-logged are also advised and, again, if squirrels are a pest you could fix an upside-down biscuit tin to the top of the post to prevent them clambering on to the table.

"Don't leave food out for ages, because that's asking for rats," warns Rogers.

"And don't put too much out at once. Birds are like us - they don't like old, mouldy food.

"The biggest mistake people make is to think birds are dustbins. They're not. They can be quite fussy."

Finally, a supply of water to drink and bathe in is always welcome, particularly in the summer months.


Different birds have different tastes. Here's how to attract some of your favourites species.



These popular garden warblers are keen on chopped-up apple; ground mix (a special bird food mixture containing sunflower kernels, raisins, sultanas, husk-free oats and flaked maize) which can be spread either on the bird table or directly on the ground; suet and even meaty dog food (which blackbirds will feed to their young).

They also have a penchant for mealworms, the wriggly larval form of the mealworm beetle. Mealworms can be bought from pet shops, but as forking out to keep up a constant supply would prove expensive, the RSPB suggests breeding your own, though it's not a process to be attempted by the squeamish.

You can do this by taking a large biscuit tin and punching ventilation holes in the lid. Line the bottom with a layer of hessian followed by a thin one of bran, then one of bread and raw potato.

Repeat these layers twice more, add 200-300 mealworms, keep somewhere warm but not hot, and after a few weeks the mealworms will turn into pupae and then beetles. These will then lay eggs that hatch more mealworms.


blue tit

In these days of milkround deliveries, the brightly coloured blue tit was often seen perching on the rim of a milk bottle, pecking at the foil top to get to the creamy milk beneath.

Little did the birds know, but this wasn't a great move: blue tits aren't able to digest lactose and drinking milk can give them diarrhoea.

Blue tits are particularly hungry - the average family eats 10,000 invertebrates before the chicks leave - but they can safely eat whole unsalted peanuts, peanut cake and sunflower hearts (husk-free sunflower seeds). Anything with fat in it is also good.

black cap


Named for the dark head feathers that make it look as if it has been turned upside down and dipped in a bottle of ink, this summer visitor is praised for its 'full, sweet, deep and loud pipe'.

It thrives on mealworms, peanut cake and fruit such as over-ripe strawberries or windfall apples.



The robin redbreast (along with song thrushes and dunnocks) loves grated cheese. Sunflower kernels, mealworms and suet sprinkles (a specialist bird mix containing suet and seeds) are also advised if you want to attract this cheery bird to your garden.



Oil-rich nyjer seed, otherwise known as thistle seed, is a magnet for goldfinches as well as redpolls and siskins.

Because it is very tiny, it needs a special kind of feeder so as not to slip out.

Gemma Rogers says: "Goldfinches are also drawn by teasels and thistles, which are becoming more common now that people no longer trim their lawns to within an inch of their lives."



"Wrens are ground-feeding birds and they like to forage," says Rogers.

"So it's good to put food out for them in lower areas. They are one of the birds that seem to like cheese."

They also adore crushed or grated peanuts.

collared dove


Like pigeons and pheasants, doves feed on the ground, often in large and intimidating flocks (which puts off smaller birds, so beware).

They like eating wheat and barley grains, and are partial to seed mixes.



A rare sight these days - according to Mark Cocker's Birds Britannica, there are only 27,000 pairs of this strikingly patterned bird spread across the country.

However, sightings have increased thanks to their liking for peanuts, often left out in bird-feeders.

They will also eat fatty food such as suet, particularly if it is smeared on tree trunks.

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