The "Devil's Breath" flavor is so spicy, you have to sign a waiver to eat it.

Source: facebook

I didn't always love spicy food. I grew up liking my stuff as bland as possible. I'd eat hot dogs without condiments and absolutely hated whenever there were toppings on my pizza, unless they were mushrooms.

My father, on the other hand, was a hot pepper lover, and one day he brought home some green little devils that even made him sweat. I joked with my mother about eating them and she warned me not to, crafting up some tale about a kid who went into a coma for three days after eating a pepper.

Me, wanting to get out of going to school for the next three days, thought it'd be a great idea to grab one of the peppers, strut into the living room where a bunch of my family members were probably arguing about the best filo dough to make spinach pies, and announce, "see you all on Saturday!" I took one, two bites of the pepper and swallowed it down...then proceeded to run around the house swallowing milk and chewing bread and dousing my tongue with cold water.


I didn't pass out. I just spent the new few hours not able to eat anything and went to school the next day with a swollen face. But something strange happened: my spice threshold was painfully increased and I've loved eating spicy food ever since. Not pepper of doom spicy, but Ethiopian, dialed-down Thai, and Tabasco and Cholula drenched spicy.

But even though I enjoy a hot dish, there are some foods that I don't think should ever be made spicy. Ice cream is one of them.

Not everyone agrees with me though, like Aldwych Cafe and Ice Cream Parlour.

They're currently serving up "the world's most dangerous ice cream" called Respiro Del Diavolo, which translates to "Breath of the Devil."

It's ridiculously hot, measuring an insane 1,569,300 units on the Scoville scale, which is how spiciness is quantified in food. By comparison, a jalapeno only clocks in at 2,500-10,000 units on the Scoville scale, so if you think those are spicy, then for the love of all things holy, stay away from this ice cream.

In fact, it's so hot, that customers who are interested in trying it need to sign a disclaimer before eating. In case, you know, they fall into a coma like that probably made-up kid my mother warned me about.

Now if you think that this ice cream recipe is some new age poppycock, believe it or not, it dates back to a pretty old Italian recipe that was written in 1936.

The cafe owner's brother, Lee Bandoni, says that the spicy dessert is made from scratch using ingredients imported from Italy. 

Lee spoke about the origin of the ice cream with Metro:

"There was a place called Devils Bridge and with that, the Italian ice cream families used to meet up once a year and discuss how the year went for them. ‘At that point, if there were any men that showed bravery then they would eat this ice cream. So, because of the Devils Bridge, they called this the Breath of the Devil. Every year it still happens over there and this year when Martin was away earlier in the month he brought back the idea that was passed down to him."

Lee says that the recipe is a closely guarded secret, and that his brother's kids don't even know the recipe and they'll have to travel to Italy to learn exactly how its made before they even attempt to create it. 

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Lee went on to say that the Respiro Del Diavolo is the first ice cream of its kind in Scotland, and that him and his brother had to get a standards agency to make sure they could even serve the stuff.

"We know that people in Glasgow love spicy stuff. We had to check with the standards agency to explain what was in it and explain that it is like a thermal nuclear explosion in your mouth."

He went on to call spicy foods an "aphrodisiac," but to be honest, I can't imagine anyone would want to kiss me when I'm constantly wiping down my swollen, red eyes and snotty nose while grabbing for ice cubes to dab on my tongue.

And people are intrigued the prospect of burning their mouths on some ice cream.

The Devil's Breath isn't the first spicy ice cream to hit creameries, however. Take this chili peanut flavor for example.

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Or Hot Scream ice cream.

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I guess it's cool that someone managed to make a cold dessert spicy, that doesn't mean I want to eat it, though.
