Many WWE fans may be wondering where Dean Ambrose is now. He was one of the most notable names in the company just a few years ago, but still decided to exit the Stamford-based promotion. However, fans shouldn't worry, as he is doing well both professionally and in his personal life.

Where is Dean Ambrose now? He is currently in AEW, now wrestling as Jon Moxley. He debuted at the Jacksonville-based promotion a month after he left WWE in 2019. He also wrestled in NJPW soon after, even winning the IWGP United States Championship in the process.

Jon Moxley has also won the AEW World Championship three times. In 2021, he formed a stable with another fellow WWE star Bryan Danielson (FKA Daniel Bryan), William Regal, and later with Wheeler Yuta and Claudio Castagnoli (FKA Cesaro) called the Blackpool Combat Club. However, Regal has since left the group after returning to WWE last year.

As for his personal life, he is still with former WWE star and current AEW personality Renee Paquette (FKA Renee Young). They now have one child together, a daughter named Nora who was born in June 2021. According to the latest reports, the family is living in his hometown of Cincinnati, Ohio.

Where is Dean Ambrose now: Will Jon Moxley ever make a WWE appearance in the future?

According to the latest reports regarding Jon Moxley's contract, his AEW deal will expire in 2027, a long way from now. However, it looks like an eventual WWE return is a gray area for the star.

While on The Store Horseman interview, the former Dean Ambrose stated the usual 'never say never' statement about a possible return. However, that also depends on how WWE operates years from now. He even went as far as to state that he would rather work at a grocery store.

"I mean, you have to say, 'never say never.' And that's the answer everybody gives, you know? 'Never say never,' but it's like I cannot imagine the scenario right now. But also like 15 years from now, 10 years from now, the whole thing could be different. Who knows? The WWE that I left, I could never go back to. I would rather work at a grocery store."

For those wondering where Dean Ambrose is now, it looks like the former superstar is doing just fine as Jon Moxley. It remains to be seen if a return to the Stamford-based promotion will indeed ever occur in the future.

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