When trigger-fingers turn to Twitter-fingers turn to … fists in a Nike store? That is apparently the story of what happened to Quentin Miller, the songwriter Meek Mill accused Drake of using as a ghostwriter in the Neverending Rap Beef of Summer 2015. In an interview with VLAD TV, Miller says the beef actually did get as violent as Meek Mill always threatened. He claims that Meek Mill and his entourage confronted him, in a Nike store on Wilshire Boulevard, about a Tumblr post Miller wrote (and has since deleted) denying that he ghostwrites for Drake. “He didn’t appreciate the letter I dropped [because] it made him seem like a liar,” he says.

And, like any real rap beef, someone eventually had to shed blood — it just happened to be Miller’s. He says that afterward, someone from Meek Mill’s crew sucker-punched him and ran. “I shed blood in the Nike store,” he says, sounding weirdly proud of the fact. Miller says he didn’t file a police report — “it is what it is” — and that “punching me is like punching Frank Ocean or iLoveMakonnen.” Hey, at least when Frank Ocean got jumped by Chris Brown he only walked away with a cut on his finger. The guy can hold his own just fine, thanks. For Nicki’s sake, let’s just hope a certain Philadelphia judge doesn’t catch wind of this latest entry in the Drake-Meek saga.

Drake Ghostwriter: Meek Mill’s People Jumped Me
