The former Democratic senator from South Dakota, James Abourezk, passed away on Friday at the age of 92. Sanaa Dieb, a well-known Sioux Falls chef and restaurant entrepreneur, was his wife.

The former Democratic senator from South Dakota, James Abourezk, passed away on Friday at the age of 92. Sanaa Dieb, a well-known Sioux Falls chef and restaurant entrepreneur, was his wife.

Abourezk was the first Arab American to serve in the Senate, holding the position from 1973 to 1979. He belonged to the Democratic Party and was well-known for supporting Native American rights and opposing the Vietnam War. He was raised in South Dakota and has Lebanese ancestry. Abourezk is largely considered the country’s first Arab senator.

He opposed the Vietnam War and was well-known for his work to have the United States withdraw from the war. He actively opposed the war from 1973 to 1979 while serving in the US Senate and attempted to enact legislation that would have ended American involvement in Vietnam.

James Abourezk Wife: Who Is Sanaa Abourezk?

The former senator and Sanaa Dieb got hitched in 1991 after meeting at an embassy reception in Washington, DC. Before marrying Margaret Bethea, he was previously married to Mary Ann Houlton.

His children Charles Abourezk, Nikki Pipe On Head, Paul Abourezk, Alya Abourezk, and stepdaughter Chelsea Machado survive him in addition to Dieb. His first wife had three of his children, and Dieb had one.

Reports state that when Dieb met Abourezk, she had no experience running a restaurant. Before she relocated to Sioux Falls to open the acclaimed restaurant for which she is well-known, they were married for a number of years. There are no other facts available regarding her life or her relationship with the former senator.
